A day in the life of a Buy Social Professional Trainee
Greater Shantallow Area Partnership visit the construction site of the new Shantallow Community Centre
How work experience can support those with an unspent conviction back into employment
We had a chat with Richard on site to find out how he finds working on the hospital project and his hopes for the future.
We met Shannon after her return from maternity leave to see how she has progressed working as Site Admin on the Altnagelvin North Wing Redevelopment project
Translink and Sword Security (NI) Ltd. working together to deliver Buy Social
We caught up with Lorna on site and asked how she was finding working on such a large scale project.
Aisling is a Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator and benefitted from the Buy Social requirement on construction contracts. Here's her story.
Buy Social take WOMEN'STEC to visit A6 M22 - Castledawson site
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