Delivering your Social Value obligations on public contracts

Are you a construction, civil engineering, services or ICT supplier in Northern Ireland who delivers public work? This section of the website will provide you with resources and help you connect with broker organisations who may be able to assist in the delivery of your social consideration obligations.

We have a bespoke monitoring portal which supports contractors who have been awarded a public contract to communicate their progress in delivering the contract’s social value requirements with the Contracting Authority.  The monitoring portal is hosted on a separate website.

If you are a contractor who has recently been awarded a contract and wish to register for the monitoring portal, please contact us via with the following details:

  • Type of contract, e.g. Construction, Services, ICT or Supplies
  • Title of the contract
  • The name and email address of the Contracting Authority’s Project Manager

Supplier Information Session

Register to attend the next online Supplier information session to learn about scoring Social Value on IT & Services Public Contracts in NI.

Sign Up

Delivering social value in Services and IT/Construction

Information session for suppliers of the public sector covering how Social Value is included in Services and IT contracts in Northern Ireland.

Delivering social value in Services and IT/Construction

Information session for suppliers of the public sector covering how Social Value is included in Construction contracts in Northern Ireland.