Name: | Workplus |
Address: | Ormeau Baths, 18 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 8HS |
Primary Contact | Richard Kirk |
Email: | |
Mobile: | 07495 690192 |
Website: | |
Contract Type(s): | Construction Build, Construction Civil Engineering, ICT, Services, Specific Clauses |
Location(s): | Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast |
Clause(s): | Cyber security initiatives, Digital inclusion initiatives, Paid employment for education leavers, Paid employment for long term unemployed, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector, Unpaid work placements |
Priorities: | Looked after children / care leavers, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People with a disability |
Profile: |
Workplus makes it easier for employers to find apprentices through its apprenticeship marketplace. |
Ormeau Baths, 18 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 8HS