West Winds Development Association

Broker Details

Name: West Winds Development Association
About: Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation
Address: WWDA Community Office, Newtownards, Down, BT23 4RE
Primary Contact Billy Sproule
Email: billysproule65@gmail.com
Location(s): Down, Greater Belfast
Clause(s): Community engagement events, Digital inclusion initiatives, Donation of ICT devices to people at risk of digital exclusion, Environmental initiatives, Financial donations to support people in NI to gain ICT Qualifications, Health and wellbeing initiatives, Paid employment, Paid employment for education leavers, Paid employment for long term unemployed, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector, Unpaid work placements
Priorities: Children and young people, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People experiencing homelessness, People from deprived areas, People who are considered to be disadvantaged in the labour market, People who are long-term unemployed, People who have been / or at risk of becoming a victim of crime, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, People with a disability, Women from socially deprived areas

West Winds Development Association is a residents association (registered with the Charity Commission for NI) which works to support residents in the West Winds estate of Newtownards, to help them have a better quality of life. We work to support residents of all ages and stages who live in the estate – from young children to residents of our local care homes. Our group is run on an entirely voluntary basis i.e. we have no paid workers.

We provide a range of regular clubs and activities including a youth club, women’s group, environmental group, men’s group etc. We also provide a weekly luncheon club and other practical support to residents to help them through the cost-of-living crisis. We have a community office and youth drop-in facility through which we deliver our activities.

We work in partnership with voluntary organisations, statutory bodies, churches, schools, care homes and local businesses to help maximise support to residents. We work together to deliver community projects (events & programmes) as well as grounds maintenance initiatives and estate improvements. Key focuses for us include youth engagement, promoting better physical & mental health, reducing social isolation, providing welfare support and running intergenerational initiatives.


West Winds Development Association

WWDA Community Office, Newtownards, Down, BT23 4RE