Voice Of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

Broker Details

Name: Voice Of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)
Address: 100 Great Patrick Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT1 2LU
Primary Contact Alicia Toal
Email: alicia.toal@voypic.org
Telephone: 07816835151
Mobile: 07540049367
Website: voypic.org
Location(s): Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast
Clause(s): Business development and knowledge sharing, Digital inclusion initiatives, Donation of ICT devices to people at risk of digital exclusion, Financial donations to support people in NI to gain ICT Qualifications, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, Health and wellbeing initiatives, Human rights / modern slavery, In-work progression and skills development for staff, Paid employment for education leavers, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector
Priorities: Children and young people, Looked after children / care leavers, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People experiencing homelessness, People from a minority ethnic background, People in or leaving education, People who are considered to be disadvantaged in the labour market, People who have been / or at risk of becoming a victim of crime, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, Refugees and asylum seekers

VOYPIC is a regional children’s charity promoting the rights and voice of children in care and young people leaving care. We want very child in care to feel safe, valued, and loved, and every young person leaving care to do so with dignity, respect and to thrive in adulthood.
Core activities:
Advocacy and Awareness-raising: We raise awareness of the rights of children and young people, their views and experiences living in and leaving care, and their priorities for change.
Making Connections and Capacity Building: We connect young people with a lived experience of care with their peers. We host regular groups, participation forums and activities that build self-confidence, personal, social and life skills, whilst making new connections and friends.
Independent Advocacy and Advice Service; We support young people to exercise their rights by providing assistance to: voice concerns, access information, resolve issues or to identify available support options.
Youth Participation and Coproduction: We help children and young people to find their voice and set their own agenda for change! We create a culture of listening that enables children and young people to influence the world around them. Our programmes equip and prepare young people to take part in co-production
Influencing Change, Policy Advocacy; We use our specialist knowledge and insight into the experiences of children and work in partnership with them to influence policy and legislation


Voice Of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

100 Great Patrick Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT1 2LU