Triax Neighbourhood Management Team

Broker Details

Name: Triax Neighbourhood Management Team
Address: Pilots Row, Sackville Street, Bogside, Derry, Derry, Derry, BT48 6LP
Primary Contact 07701397798
Mobile: 07701397798
Location(s): Derry~Londonderry
Clause(s): Community engagement events, Environmental initiatives, Health and wellbeing initiatives, Micro enterprises in the supply chain, Paid employment, Paid employment for long term unemployed, Support for the VCSE sector, Use of social enterprises in the supply chain
Priorities: People from deprived areas, People who are considered to be disadvantaged in the labour market, People who are long-term unemployed, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, Women from socially deprived areas

With a rich history in social value projects, we understand their transformative potential. Effective brokerage services are crucial to integrating social value into our region’s essence. We’ve managed diverse projects, including “Tus Maith and Free Derry Coffee,” addressing unique needs. Tus Maith maintains local parks and allotments, offers services like grass cutting and handyman services. Free Derry Coffee Cart provides training and employment opportunities. We excel at forging partnerships with local authorities, community organizations, and businesses, leveraging resources and insights. SLAs with Apex Housing Association for park and allotment maintenance showcase our collaboration. We emphasize measurable outcomes and a community-centered approach, ensuring projects meet local needs. Our future vision centers on seamless social value integration into society, promoting collaboration among businesses, public bodies, and the third sector. Our profile aligns with these values, and we are poised to serve as a broker for Social Value Northern Ireland.


Triax Neighbourhood Management Team

Pilots Row, Sackville Street, Bogside, Derry, Derry, Derry, BT48 6LP