St James’s Community Farm

Broker Details

Name: St James’s Community Farm
About: Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation
Address: 60 Rodney Parade , Belfast, Antrim, BT12 6EE
Primary Contact Damien Lindsay
Telephone: 07840296896
Mobile: 07840296896
Location(s): West Belfast
Clause(s): Business development and knowledge sharing, Community engagement events, Environmental initiatives, Environmental strategy for the contract, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, Health and wellbeing initiatives
Priorities: Children and young people, People from deprived areas, People who are long-term unemployed, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, People with a disability, Women from socially deprived areas

We are a community farm situated in the St James’s area of West Belfast. We have around 40 animals and 30 volunteers. Our farm is free to visit and we do a lot of recycling cans and rain water to fund activities.


St James’s Community Farm

60 Rodney Parade , Belfast, Antrim, BT12 6EE