Loughview Training Services

Broker Details

Name: Loughview Training Services
Address: 335 Antrim Road , Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 5DZ
Primary Contact Ivan Megaw
Email: ivan@loughviewtraining.com
Telephone: 028 9080 1010
Website: www.loughviewtraining.com
Contract Type(s): ICT, Services, Specific Clauses
Location(s): Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast
Clause(s): Paid employment for education leavers, Paid employment for long term unemployed
Priorities: People with a disability

Loughview Training Services Ltd is a Northern Ireland based, recognised charity delivering DfE contracts in:

  • Training for Success in Newtownabbey for school leavers, and
  • Apprenticeships over all Northern Ireland in Level 2 and 3 in Retail, Customer Service, Hospitality, Catering, Business Administration, Warehousing, Team-Leading and Management.

