Name: | Go Fly Your Kite |
About: | Micro enterprise (1-10 employees) |
Address: | 64 Dermott Avenue, Newtownards, County Down, BT23 5JF |
Primary Contact | Glenn Heasley |
Email: | |
Telephone: | 07921510152 |
Mobile: | 07921510152 |
Location(s): | Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast |
Clause(s): | Community engagement events, Environmental initiatives, Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for the contract, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, Health and wellbeing initiatives, In-work progression and skills development for staff, Initiatives to reduce or prevent Health Related inequalities, Reduce Carbon Emissions, Skills development and educational attainment |
Priorities: | Children and young people, Looked after children / care leavers, People from a minority ethnic background, People from deprived areas, People in or leaving education, People who are at risk of Digital Exclusion, People who have been / or at risk of becoming a victim of crime, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, People with a disability, Refugees and asylum seekers, Survivors of human trafficking, Women from socially deprived areas |
Profile: |
Go Fly Your Kite run children and adult kite design workshops all over Northern Ireland. Kite workshops run for 60 minutes – 30 minutes learning/30 minutes designing building and flying kites. Each workshop can be themed to suit any children’s, young persons or adults topic. Each participant leaves our workshop with their own kite to fly and reuse many times in the future with family, friends or colleagues. It’s a unique activity that brings people together creating positive memories. We have hundreds of themed templates which are traced onto the blank material kites then coloured. The possibilities are endless what can be achieved. The activity is much more than an art activity. We run bespoke themed workshops as well as Art, STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), Literacy and Cultural kite workshops 12 months of the year. We run many different workshops for communities, schools, councils, festivals, family fun days, large organisations, youth organisations, bringing people together. We have our 25,000 participants in our workshops yearly. |
64 Dermott Avenue, Newtownards, County Down, BT23 5JF