Centre for Effective Services

Broker Details

Name: Centre for Effective Services
About: Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation
Address: 11th Floor, (a James Street South, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 8DN
Primary Contact Majella McCloskey
Email: mmccloskey@effectiveservices.org
Telephone: 07725657556
Mobile: 07725657556
Location(s): Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast
Clause(s): Business development and knowledge sharing, In-work progression and skills development for staff, Paid employment for education leavers, Site visits, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector, Use of social enterprises in the supply chain
Priorities: Children and young people, Looked after children / care leavers, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People from a minority ethnic background, People from deprived areas, People in or leaving education, People who are considered to be disadvantaged in the labour market, People who have been / or at risk of becoming a victim of crime, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing, Survivors of human trafficking, Women from socially deprived areas

CES is a not-for-profit, intermediary organisation that works to connect policy, practice, and research. Our purpose is to improve the lives of people by supporting the implementation of excellent public services through evidence-informed policy and practice in Ireland and Northern Ireland. We provide the following services:
Research & Evaluation -Evidence-based research and evaluation
Policy Development – Delivering and translating evidence to inform policy
Facilitation & Problem Solving – Providing facilitation support to public sector organisations
Programme & Change Management -Assisting large organisations to implement and manage change
Implementation -Enabling better implementation of policies and services
Training -Customised training in evidence, evaluation, implementation and change management to teams in the public and not for profit sector.
CES works with government departments and service providers to design, develop, implement, and evaluate public policies and services. We work in areas such as education, health, justice, children and young people and social services. Our team provides expertise, support and services for public policy and services. We support service providers and policy makers in delivering improved outcomes and value for people living in our communities.

Our work is informed by our values – collaboration, creativity, evidence, equity and learning.


Centre for Effective Services

11th Floor, (a James Street South, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 8DN