Name: | ASCERT |
Address: | 23 Bridge Street, Lisburn, Antrim, BT28 1XZ |
Primary Contact | Fiona McCann |
Email: | |
Telephone: | 0800 254 5123 |
Website: | |
Contract Type(s): | Construction Build, Construction Civil Engineering, ICT, Services |
Location(s): | Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast |
Clause(s): | Cyber security initiatives, Digital inclusion initiatives, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector |
Priorities: | Looked after children / care leavers, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background |
Profile: |
ASCERT is a charity working across NI with families, young people & individuals to reduce the harm from alcohol or drug use through prevention, early intervention and treatment helping to sustain change and support recovery. Our mission is to address alcohol and drug related issues; reducing harm and supporting positive change. In 2020/2021 almost 10,000 people engaged with our 13 services. Part of our mission includes providing training services. We deliver training to thousands of people annually via our extensive range of courses covering Drugs & Alcohol, Suicide Prevention and Specialist Courses covering topics including bereavement, mental health first aid and managing potentially violent situations. We work with organisations on a consultative basis to develop bespoke training for their organisation including staff wellbeing and training for managers or HR personnel around suicide, drugs/alcohol/substance misuse including how to recognise signs of addiction and how to support in a positive way. |
23 Bridge Street, Lisburn, Antrim, BT28 1XZ