Active Communities Network

Broker Details

Name: Active Communities Network
About: Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation
Address: curran house, Belfast, Antrim, BT132JF
Primary Contact Rachelle mccurry
Telephone: 07890167927
Mobile: 07890167927
Location(s): East Belfast, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, West Belfast
Clause(s): Community engagement events, Donation of ICT devices to people at risk of digital exclusion, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, Health and wellbeing initiatives, In-work progression and skills development for staff, Initiatives to Enhance the Employability of Young People, Paid employment, Paid employment for education leavers, Site visits, Skills development and educational attainment, Support for the VCSE sector, Unpaid work placements
Priorities: Children and young people, People at risk of criminality / with an offending background, People from deprived areas, People in or leaving education, People who are considered to be disadvantaged in the labour market, People who are long-term unemployed, People who have been / or at risk of becoming a victim of crime, Women from socially deprived areas

Activity is the energy that drives change, and it extends beyond sport. It means any positive action that helps oneself or someone else. It can mean creating space where people can have fun, smile and laugh. It can mean being active in your community by setting up community gardens. It can mean setting up a new sports team.

Whatever the activity, we take a long-term approach. If someone is sad, we don’t just cheer them up. We work to create the conditions which will enable them to enjoy life.

We don’t just work with individual young people. To maximise our impact, we reach into families, extended families and community groups, amplifying voices that have often been ignored.

Our holistic methodology, built on four sturdy pillars of activities, relationships, education and healing, is at the heart of our work. All of our projects have been trialled and tested internationally since 2007.

We continue to build our network by developing productive relationships with like-minded organisations that add value to what we do. We also connect closely with governments, local authorities, funding bodies, statutory organisations, researchers and universities.

As we expand our network, we are able to access more resources, drive more profound change and convince others of the value of our work


Active Communities Network

curran house, Belfast, Antrim, BT132JF