A WayMaker Journey

Broker Details

Name: A WayMaker Journey
About: Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation
Address: Floor 2, Fairhill House 124 Broughshane Street, Ballymena, Antrim, BT43 6EE
Primary Contact Eileen Russell
Email: eileen@wearewaymaker.com
Telephone: 02802825483281
Mobile: 07980704089
Location(s): Antrim
Clause(s): Business development and knowledge sharing, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, Health and wellbeing initiatives, Support for the VCSE sector
Priorities: Children and young people, Looked after children / care leavers, People from deprived areas, People who need support with mental or physical wellbeing

At Waymaker we believe in “Play That Matters.” Our mission is to transform the lives of children in Northern Ireland through the healing power of play. We provide high-quality therapeutic services, including play therapy, sensory support, and art therapy, specially designed for children, including those in care.

At WayMaker, we understand the profound impact play and creativity can have on mental health. Our expert team is dedicated to rewriting the mental health narrative for children, helping them heal, grow, and thrive. Our services are tailored to meet each child’s unique needs, fostering a safe and nurturing environment for their development.

Beyond our direct services to children, we offer staff wellbeing training, drawing on our deep expertise in play and creativity. We aim to staff in the workplace in the importance of creativity for their personal wellbeing.

Additionally, we provide creative business consultancy focused on team development and strategic growth. By integrating play and creativity into business practices, we help teams unlock their full potential, innovate, and collaborate more effectively.

Join us at WayMaker, and together, let’s make a difference in children’s lives through the power of play.


A WayMaker Journey

Floor 2, Fairhill House 124 Broughshane Street, Ballymena, Antrim, BT43 6EE