Making Hope a Reality

The delivery of social value on some public sector grounds maintenance contracts is supporting people who have been through the justice system to overcome barriers to employment.

Since 2020, The Turnaround Project’s social enterprise Outwork has been a sub-contractor for the grounds maintenance company Idverde on public sector contracts, including for the NI Housing Executive and Housing Associations. Outwork currently has a team of 3 or 4 people working on Idverde contracts 4.5 days per week.

The Turnaround Project’s mission is ‘to work with society to enable people who have served sentences to turn around their futures’.

The nature of ground maintenance means that the work is seasonal which presents recruitment challenges for Idverde.

“Our partnership with The Turnaround Project is win-win. It addresses our recruitment challenges while delivering our social value requirements by offering opportunities to people who face barriers to employment,” said Gemma Fawcett, Sustainability Manager at Idverde.

Over the past 4 years, a trusted relationship has been built between the contractor and social enterprise. Richard Good, CEO of The Turnaround Project, explains, “Good communication and flexibility are vital. Idverde goes beyond obligations by also providing staff training and equipment for us. Some of the people we work with have gone onto become Idverde employees when their time with us has ended.”

This partnership is making hope a reality for people who have been through the justice system to overcome barriers to employment.

Danny* (45) left prison 3 years ago which is the longest period he has spent out of prison in his adult life. He has worked with The Turnaround Project on Idverde contracts for 4 months. He travels to work 50 miles round trip every day on public transport and is staying off alcohol and drugs. He is determined to secure sustainable employment so he can provide for his young son.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.