Securing a job for the future

Securing a job for the future

The delivery of social value on a Libraries NI agency worker contract has helped a young man with autism secure a permanent job for the first time.

Luke Bantting from Richhill, Co. Armagh took his first step into paid employment as a temporary cleaner in his local library in December 2022. This role enabled Luke to build confidence and learn new skills which helped him secure the role permanently when it was advertised during the summer of 2023.

Megan Bothwell is Luke’s Employment Officer with the NOW Group, an organisation that supports people with learning difficulties and autism into jobs with a future. Megan explained:

“I have seen a big change in Luke from when I first met him. His confidence and self-esteem have grown. He now has a purpose and structure to his week and, of course, has his own spending money.”

The recruitment agency Cpl Talent Evolution Group engaged in lawful positive outreach to promote the temporary employment positions on the Libraries NI agency worker contract to organisations who support disabled people, such as the NOW Group. Further positive action included making reasonable adjustments to the interviews for the temporary and permanent posts.

Luke works in Richhill Library for 4 hours every week. He cleans the premises, including mopping the floors and dusting the shelves. Luke said:

“I really enjoy coming to work, especially meeting new people and I like the satisfaction of getting the job done.”

Libraries NI continue to support Luke as a permanent employee.

Luke Bantting in Richhill library

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