Supply and Delivery of Feminine Hygiene Products

Contract Details

Client: Northern Ireland Water
Value: £600k
Start Date: July 2022
Duration: 26
End Date: September 2024
Contract Type(s): Services
Location(s): Antrim, Armagh, Derry~Londonderry, Down, East Belfast, Fermanagh, Greater Belfast, North Belfast, South Belfast, Tyrone, West Belfast
Clause(s): Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for the contract, Health & wellbeing strategy for staff, In-work progression and skills development for staff.


Contractor Information

Mount Charles

  • Annon House, 261-263 Ormeau Rd,
  • Belfast
  • Antrim
  • BT7 3GG

Mount Charles

  • Annon House, 261-263 Ormeau Rd,
  • Belfast
  • Antrim
  • BT7 3GG
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