Contract For Maintenance And Improvement – South and East Belfast CTO123

Contract Details

Client: NI Housing Executive
Value: £16823k
Start Date: September 2023
Duration: 24 months
End Date: August 2025
Contract Type(s): Construction Build
Location(s): East Belfast, South Belfast
Clause(s): Environmental initiatives, Environmental strategy for the contract, Ethical supply chain strategy, Health and wellbeing initiatives, Human rights / modern slavery, In-work progression and skills development for staff, Paid employment, Skills development and educational attainment, Use of social enterprises in the supply chain.


Contractor Information


  • Beehill House , 40 Beechill Road
  • Belfast
  • Antrim
  • BT7 8RP


  • Beehill House , 40 Beechill Road
  • Belfast
  • Antrim
  • BT7 8RP
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